Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl is pleased to present Under One Roof, an exhibition about commodification, domesticity, private and public selves, and the blurred boundary between furniture design and art. The artists in this show question the meaning of our relationship to interior environments as well as household objects, and investigating these relationships reveal the ‘house’ as both a lived experience and a vehicle for abstract thought. Artists included are John Baldessari, Jonathan Borofsky, Frank Gehry, Robert Gober, Philip Guston, Ann Hamilton, Jasper Johns, Edward and Nancy Kienholz, Roy Lichtenstein, Elizabeth Murray, Bruce Nauman, Ken Price, Robert Rauschenberg, Ed Ruscha, Analia Saban, and Richard Tuttle.
Under One Roof
February 6, 2020 – August 28, 2020