Pacific Standard Editions October-November 2011
An East Coast Look at the West Coast Celebration of Pacific Standard Time
October 6, 2011November 5, 2011
Private Sale: July 11 - October 1, 2011
July 11, 2011October 1, 2011

The gallery's annual summer event, with significant savings on our framed print inventory, will be on view at our temporary location while our new Chelsea gallery is being prepared.

465 West 23rd Street, New York, New York 10011 | Tuesday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm

New and Recent Publications (2011)
Prints by John Baldessari, Jonathan Borofsky, Ann Hamilton, and Richard Serra
April 21, 2011June 25, 2011

Click for new works by John Baldessari | Jonathan Borofsky | Ann HamiltonRichard Serra

Black Panel, 1982; Blue/Black/Red/Green, 2001
February 26, 2011April 2, 2011
First-Hand Evidence
Works by Vija Celmins, Robert Gober, Brice Marden and Bruce Nauman
January 20, 2011February 23, 2011
Left to right: Claes Oldenburg, Letter Q as a Beach House, with Sailboat, 1972; Dan Flavin, (To Don Judd, Colorist) 1-7, 1987
Works by Dan Flavin, Ellsworth Kelly, Roy Lichtenstein, Brice Marden, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Rauschenberg and Richard Serra
December 14, 2010January 15, 2011



Left to right: Richard Tuttle Metal Shoes, 7, 2009; Julie Mehretu Untitled 1 (Amulets), 2008
November 9, 2010December 8, 2010

Please join us in honoring Julie Mehretu, the newest addition to the Gemini artist roster, on Thursday, November 11, 6 to 8 pm. The artist will be in attendance to celebrate her new project, Auguries, on view at the gallery on 980 Madison through December 8.

Left to Right: Foot and Stocking (With Big Toe Exposed): Brienne, 2010; Noses & Ears (Military), 2006; Noses & Ears (B&W), 2006
October 7, 2010November 6, 2010

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl is pleased to present new works byJohn Baldessari, on view in the gallery from October 7 to November 6, 2010. On October 14, from 6 – 8pm, the gallery will host a reception for the artist and a signing of the book John Baldessari: A Catalogue Raisonné of Prints and Multiples 1971‐2007. This book by Sharon Coplan Hurowitz and published by Hudson Hills Press is the first comprehensive study of Baldessari’s print work and multiples.

Left to right: Philip Guston, Room, 1980; Robert Gober, Untitled, 2000; Untitled, 2000; Untitled, 2000
July 7, 2010September 30, 2010

Since 2000, the Private Sale has become an annual summertime event that collectors eagerly anticipate. Editioned sculptures and framed prints, ready to take home for immediate summer enjoyment, are offered at significantly reduced prices.

Left to right: Joel Shapiro, Boat, Bird, Mother and Child (i), 2009; Boat, Bird, Mother and Child (d), 2009; Boat, Bird, Mother and Child (f), 2009; Richard Serra, Double Level I, 2009
June 2, 2010July 2, 2010

Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl is pleased to present A Look Back at the Season, featuring a selection of recent publications released by the Los Angeles-based artist workshop Gemini G.E.L. in the past nine months. 

In October of 2009, the gallery exhibited new work by French conceptual artist, Sophie Calle. Her project, entitled The Address Book marks Calle's first ever collaboration with Gemini.

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, 2009
Also on view: Sophie Calle, The Address Book
April 22, 2010May 28, 2010

Eleven new prints by architect Frank Gehry will be on view at Gemini G.E.L. at Joni Moisant Weyl from April 22 through May 28, 2010. These ten lithographs and one etching recently published by the Los Angeles-based artists workshop Gemini G.E.L. depict various architectural projects – some recently completed as well as some unrealized.  While the prints in this series are not actual preparatory sketches, they reflect the creative genius behind some of Gehry’s most iconic buildings. 

Left to right: Weight III, 2009; Double Level I, 2009
March 2, 2010April 17, 2010

Richard Serra once again pushes the boundaries of printmaking with five new large-scale etchings. These prints are evidence of this renowned artist’s continued ability to convey on paper the weight and monumentality of his sculpture. Over the years, Serra has worked closely with Gemini master printers to develop new techniques for creating astonishing texture in his etchings. The resulting rough, raised surfaces – the texture of which was derived from rubbings of asphalt road paving – compel viewers to experience the prints in a very physical, three-dimensional manner. 
